Eco and Environment Justice

St Nic’s Eco and Environmental Justice Team is passionate about helping St. Nic’s care for creation and practice good stewardship of the many gifts God has given us including our building, land, and people.  Members of team are from a variety of backgrounds and are passionate about empowering people to do what they can to make a difference.

We are working towards a Bronze Eco Church award through A Rocha in conjunction with The Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham’s Caring for Creation initiative.  A Rocha helps us evaluate how we are practicing caring for creation through five categories:

  • -Worship and teaching

  • -Buildings

  • -Land

  • -Community and global engagement

  • -Lifestyle

ways you can participate

Join the team!

We meet termly via Zoom to brainstorm new initiatives and check-in on current plans.  All ages are welcome!

Join a community!

Many of our communities partner with the team to do annual litter picks!

Consider taking public transportation to church activities, when possible! 

Since we are in the City Centre, the church is served by many different forms of public transportation.  If you need help navigating the system, please check in with the team at

Reduce, reuse, and recycle!  

We have recycling bins at St. Nic’s.  We also participate in clothes and book swaps through the Kwon Sale, Sparklers, and our St. Nic’s families WhatsApp groups.

Insert your idea here!

We’d love to hear your ideas and partner with you to make them happen in your homes, your communities, your schools, you workplace, etc.  Email the team at: