We are a city-centre Anglican Church located on Maid Marian Way, called to serve Nottingham and make disciples for Jesus.
St Nic’s dates back 100s of years with the first mention of it in 1100. It has great historical significance for the city of Nottingham.
We come from a wide range of backgrounds; we are people of all ages and nationalities.
Our church members span the ages of 0-100! We are passionate about welcoming people from all over the world and have members from all over the world from Latin American to Hong Kong to Nigeria to Europe - you are welcome here!
We work hard for unity across the churches.
In 2022 we sent out two graft teams to different churches in Nottingham.
We are an active member of Nottingham City Prayer.
We aim to be real, generous, welcoming and truthful.
Whoever you are, you are so welcome here!