St Nic's Nottingham

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One Mission | 19th - 20th June 2021 - Building friendships and blessing the city

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Saturday outreach events

Sunday frisbee & picnics

One Mission is a weekend all about building friendships and blessing the city. We are ONE united family joining in with God’s MISSION in the world. (Hence One Mission!) Having spent over a year under various restrictions and with fewer opportunities to meet in person, we want to create spaces to meet new people in the church and build friendships, while also reaching out beyond ourselves to bless the wider city in prayer and practical outreach.

The whole of society has struggled with connection over the past season, and the church has not been immune to this. Although we have been able to keep connecting online, it is not quite as easy to have the same depth and breadth of relationship as we can have in-person. At One Mission, there will be plenty of space to meet other church members and to bring your friends along! If you know of people who are part of the church but would like to be more integrated, this is a chance to invite them. Or if you have friends outside of church who you would like to bring into Christian community, why not invite them along to a frisbee and picnic event? These will be places of growing new friendships, strengthening our community and welcoming others in.

As we experience restrictions easing, we also want to take this chance to bless our city abundantly! In the Sunday services this week just gone, we heard about how we have been blessed in order to be a blessing. God gives us gifts so we can share them with others. We have time, money, skills, friendship and so much more that we can offer. We want the One Mission weekend to be all about us reaching out beyond ourselves, to share what we can with our local communities. To go on prayer walks praying for justice & hope, to pick up litter, to offer prayer at the doorstep, or invite friends and neighbours along to community events like ‘frisbee & picnic’.

In the next few days, why not think and pray about how you can be involved in the One Mission weekend?

Is there a Saturday outreach event that you could sign up to?

Is there someone from church, your community, or local area that you could invite along?

Check out all the details at

Sign up here:

Saturday outreach events

Sunday frisbee & picnics